How does TEDxSanFrancisco come to life?

Here's a sneak peek of our backstage at the Herbst Theatre
Our team starts planning 10 months prior to the event and Sam, our curator, is continuously researching potential speakers throughout the whole year, always looking for these great ideas that will potentially transform our worldview and stimulate us in being always more curious. This year we’re keeping the theme "Dare To Know".
The magic really resides in a core team of 20 volunteers who during these 10 months spend after-work hours to lay out the foundations of the event. They prep our speakers, they design the whole experience for our attendees and its logistics, they script the production layers and work with the sponsors. These, as you can imagine, represent hours of skype calls, emails, after hours meetings and a lot of problem-solving. The day of the event, it is more than 60 volunteers who are coming all together to implement what has been cooking for almost a year.

TEDxSanFrancisco volunteers in 2016
Again this year our production team is led by SF Opera film director Frank Zamacona, orchestrating a full team with HD multiple-camera setup including live editing.

Frank Zamacona, during rehearsal in 2016
On October 10th at 9am, everything will be in place for yet another TEDxSanFrancisco experience. If you don’t have your ticket, don’t wait too long, they’re going very fast. We will sell out very soon.